So I'm sure you want to know whats been on at the Casa de Kimberly. Well.......I've been trying like mad to find what appears to be an elusive job back in the US. I am seriously stressed and depressed and pulling my hair out in frustration here. I really do not want to leave my company since I seriously enjoy both the people and what we do in the world to help others have better lives.
And now for the real reason that you read my blog......crafting!
While I have been busy i have been working my fingers off whenever possible. I am almost finished with a baby afghan and I've finished a few thread projects here and there. Here are a couple of the things I've finished recently:
First up is a Jean Greenhowe design from her Little Men and Monsters Collection - a T-Rex which is sitting on my Dad's bookshelf currently back in the US. he was made using Wibra acrylic and took forever since I was too lazy to take the 10 minutes to sew him all together.
When I was in Spain back in April, I bought a Thread Doily magazine. It is in Spanish, but thankfully the designs are charted so I can just read the charts and figure things out from there along with my very basic Spanish skills I possess for reading the instructions. The first is a small design that I made as a starter Spanish Project using Size 10 Coats Eldorado White thread:
The second doily is way more advanced and ovaly! I loved the look of it as being something different. I first crocheted the round middle section and then added on the two ends before crocheting around the entire project for a few rows...novel concept eh?
I did hit a stumbling block on another small project I am working on. I've never seen this stitch pattern charted before and I can not for the life of me figure out how in the world it can be done based on what is written in the chart! And of course there are no descriptions anywhere on how to do it! I'll have to see if I can write out a portion of the chart and see if anyone knows how it can be done!
What else is on the hooks and needles you ask?
Why another doily, but this one is from a FRENCH pattern book with a Flemish pattern waiting right behind it! Also a few scarves (its summer I know, but I need these for gifts) and some dishcloths and patterns I am testing for others and creating for myself!
What is going on in your corner of the world?