Well it is finally June and my last few days of aloneness! Is aloneness even a word?? It is now!
On Thursday my room mate from College Ashley will arrive. We have our 10 years college class reunion this weekend. We will spend some time together before heading down to South Bend. No, not to the University of Notre Dame, but to Saint Mary's College - the all-female sister school of ND.
Then on Monday my super long house guest arrives! My friend Zory will be here starting Monday for 2 whole months! What great fun we will have together! She will be up here for work, and I have lots of work trips planned, but we will still have a wonderful time with each other!
The granny blanket continues to grow as I complete round after round. I think that I am about 5 rounds from the end...yay!
I also found some time to work on the Swifter Cover and that is almost finished as well! Hopefully I will find some inspiration and ambition this summer to create some smaller quick to finish items. My niece Abby has asked for more yarn food for her birthday, so I need to get busy with that one asap! I am thinking some bacon, cookies, tarts, potatoes, cherries, bananas, apples and some other veggies. *sigh* What a list! Anyone want to contribute? lol
Well, I must get some cleaning done around the house....I was sidetracked after work with a dinner date and then organizing the garage which now looks great.