That cold kicked my butt - almost a full month sick, 2 weeks super bad, 1 week where everyone told me I should go back home and one week still coughing a little bit and sinuses still draining a little bit. What a nasty bug this one was!
I've not touched my hooks and needles since being back at all really. Not sure why, just no ambition to do so. A little bit depressed and sad and of course the normal over-worked and underpaid at the job.
I have had some pattern acquisitions thanks to a co-worker who brought me back some wonderful pattern books from a fair she went to in Paris. There is on Amigurumi Japanese and one Dou-Dous book which is French for children's toys and of course that on is in French! What great fun I'll have!
Here are some pics:

Cute no?
I promise to get myself back to my normal crafting self some time soon.......thanks for bearing with me! I do have a bunch of projects in various stages and some just waiting to be sewn up, so perhaps I'll have some finished items and pattern reviews coming soon......and of course there will be the fun of my learning to do Japanese patterns!