And just a fun little pic of me and the girls from our weekend adventures.

I do not have a pic of the doily I am working on....can not find the camera is around here somewhere!
Crocheting...after globe trotting for years, I've settled down...join me in the craziness that my life has become! Living the day one stitch at a time!
The views from the top of the slopes.....
The gang - Justin, Me, Andy, Erin & Marci - a great group of people to go skiing with - we are truely had a good time together with lots of laughter and fun!
Les Menuiers where we stayed.....
The view of the mountains with the ski lifts....
I did work a little bit on my doily that I brought, but no great energy to do more than just a little bit. I hope that I can get back into the crafting bug soon so I can start using up some of this yarn that I have bought and have sitting here waiting for inspiration to appear!
I hope that everyone is doing well! Will catch up more with everyone soon!