On a scary note - I was leaving the bar last night with my really good friend Tommy, when this guy came up and started messing with Tommy. I got in his face and told him to get away and leave us alone (in French) he bumped up against Tommy again and then walked away.....with Tommy's Cell phone! Tommy went chasing after him but was not able to catch him....bad as it may be, I can only be thankful that he did not catch him - I heard on the radio today that someone else was chasing a pickpocket, and the kid pulled a knife and tried to stab the guy who was chasing him!
Okay, on the crochet front, I realize that I've not shown anything that I've been doing lately! So to rectify that one, I am having a Saturday check in. Although I've been busy and going non-stop the past two weeks, I have fit in some crochet time! Places of crocheting have included most forms of transportation, standing in line at the post office and standing at the airport waiting for a friends plane.
My first finished scarf:
5 bookmarks for the
Bookmark Swap:

I have almost finished frogging one of my sweaters that had gotten an unfixable hole (or at least I decided that I could not fix it and that the sweater should be frogged and re-created into something new). I've gotten two nice skiens and one ball out of it so far, with part of the back and one sleeve left to frog and wind.

The Yarn Addicts Unite web ring continues to grow. I've found a good number of new sites to read....check some of them out by clicking on the forward and back links under the button on the right. Everyone has been showing their stash, and I promise to get a good picture of mine to flash - its grown considerably since the last picture!
WIPs - I am still working on my shawl - I think that I am about half way there as I want to make it a little bit longer than the pattern calls for. I started the May Doily of the Month over again - I think that I did something wrong with the first one, so I decided to try it again with the proper thread and see if it turns out better. I am doing it in the blue variegated, perhaps a present for my Grandmother.
Secret Pals - I sent out a package to my secret pal - can not wait to see what she thinks of it! I enlisted the help of a friend to send it for me....I'm sneaky! I received a nice package from my SP yesterday - she is being really sweet! Included was a post card from South Dakota, Juicy Fruit gum, vanilla lotion, a cute flower soap, two pattern sheets, a super soft crocheted cloth and the book - Book Lust. All are in the picture but the lotion (I left that at work to use there) and some of the gum - could not wait to start chewing! :-)

I mailed out a RAOK package today and also some yarn to
Heather who is being awesome and sending some yarn to do the cute pocket animals.
That about wraps it up! Hope that everyone is having a great weekend!!