Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A bientot mes amis!

I am once again benig abandonned. Not one, but two if my very close friends here have left the company. One has returned to the US (Boston) and the other has moved to a Law Firm in London (lucky thing).

Here is a snap shot of my friend Kim's going away party:

From the left - myself, Kim and our friend Tanja who lives in Zurich. I will be going to Boston to visit...just as soon as I find the time, and the money!
I'll always have some awesome memories of my time spent with both Kim and Beatta (the colleague who went to London) including our time together in LIsbon - the three of us were called the Musketeers, and everyone thought that me and Kim were attached at the hip.....even our names were said in one long word "KimandKimberly"
Hopefully with some effort, our friendships will continue!
Until we meet again my friends.....A bientôt Mes Amis!

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Nice pic, lovely ladies!