First off Kudos to Kelly for knowing where my title from yesterdays post was coming from! I love that album of Pink and sing Leave Me Alone (I'm lonely) to my BF all the time.......I don't think hes realised yet exactly what I'm singing LOL
Second, onto my frightening discoveries and a little bit of self awarenes......
I've been trying to organize and clean my apartment up a little bit, especially my crafty type goodies. Well, this is what I have found & need to say.
"Hello, my name is Kimberly. I love to crochet and knit and collect yarn. Hello, my name is Kimberly and I almost have more WIPs than I do shoes"
My Mom is gasping in horror right now since she KNOWS how many pairs of shoes I have ... or at least she knew how many I had the last time she visited and also those she helped packed that I did not bring with me to Europe.
Here is a snap of the WIPs that I found while cleaning.....there are a few missing, including the second photo of the blanket I'm working on for my neice.....

Realistically I can probably frog a good portion of these as many of them I have no interest in finishing, some I have no clue what pattern / hook I was using and some I won't have enough yarn to finish (idiot me who goes gung ho on a project only to go uh oh)
Aside from the WIPs I also found a plethora of partially used, almost finished skeins from past projects that I have to figure out what I am going to do with them:

And last but not least, the doily that I finished for a swap partner. It in no way compares to what she sent to me, but it is the best that I can do and I put a lot of time and effort into it.....I hope she likes it!

Many thanks to all of you for the good wishes yesterday. Its been a hard week here for me with my almost buying a plane ticket to go home at one was on my screen waiting for me to hit the Okay button I was that close to ordering! No, it was not for good that I was buying but for a quick several day trip.