Where you just want to turn around, dive back into bed, pull the covers over your head and wait until the next day to emerge again? That was yesterday for me!
I woke up late, had to finish laundry. No problems. I'll make the frosting for the cookies I baked on Saturday. No powder sugar. This is not my day. Finally get everything in the house done.
Leave to go to work to print off the papers I need to take with me to Zurich....work is on the way out of the city so its not out of my way. Yeah, ummmm its car free day in the city. Bikers, walkers, roller bladders everywhere. Weave my way through towards work. Get there, get things printed and leave.
Get out of the city, realize about 45 minutes later that I forgot to bring my real car papers. I only have copies which is what the police suggested after my car was broken into. Crap. Turn around, drive back. Only to get to the city entrance and ALL are blocked off and no way in. I weave, I swerve, I backtrack. No dice. Every shortcut, back-road, illegal parking lot maneuvers were blocked. A hour later I am still trying. I finally find a roadblock that is manned by a policewoman. I explain to her that I have to go to the office to get my car paperwork so I can drive to Zürich. She tells me I'll have to either wait until after dark to enter the city or park my car and take public transportation. Uh huh, my car that is filled with my luggage, computer, budget documents etc. Nope, that one can not happen in a city where my car has been broken into once now with a second attempt already made.
So I keep driving. I find a policeman and explain my predicament. He agrees that I have to go through since I need to leave the country and must have the paperwork. He gives me a pass and lets me through the barriers. Sweet.....I'm on my way. Ummm....did you forget about all of the pedestrians? Even worse since it is now 1:30 and everyone is out. No one pays attention to traffic lights, lets call it mass chaos on the streets. Make it home, of course the papers are not there. Drive to work and there they are.
Finally make it back on the road by 2:30.....and arrive in Zürich at 8:30 where I had to drive around looking for my hotel since the instructions on the hotel website were "get off highway and follow Zuspa signs" Never saw a sign called Zuspa.....so off I went in the direction of the center....finally found an Ibis hotel and stopped there for further directions. Finally located the hotel but spent 10 minutes driving around trying to find the parking entrance - lots of 1 way streets to navigate.
Arrive. Check-in. Drink 2 glasses of wine. Remember that I should eat something too, grab a sandwich. Head back to the room, read a few chapters of a book I brought with me and its lights out.
Whew! What a way to start my trip here this week. I had originally planned on being to Zurich around 5, a few hours of walking around, perhaps some crocheting but nope, just did not happen.
I did manage to find the office this morning with no problems so that was a good start to today. Lets hope that it continues that way!
Jenny - the flip flops can be found here: http://createyourcrafts.com/Projects/projects/slippahluggagetag.htm?Name=Slippah+Luggage+Tag&Name=Slippah+Luggage+Tag
Crocheting...after globe trotting for years, I've settled down...join me in the craziness that my life has become! Living the day one stitch at a time!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
The 5 second update....
That is taking me hours to write! =) I started this post at about 11:00 this morning...its 2:06 right now.....I might finish it by, oh tomorrow I think!
Lots of things going on at work and lots of hours being worked. I am sneaking in crochet and knitting time here and there when I can.
Any actual progress you ask?
What? You want pictures and details as well? Sheesh!
Well, I crocheted some rows in the Larger Than Life bag bottom/side section in a traffic jam, weaved some ends on a conference call, and have started seaming the squares side by side. No pictures though.....soon.
In other areas, the WIPs have grown and shrunk.
Heres my most recent FO which I originally was making to go on my suitcase but in the end they have found a home on my computer bag which is identical to the other 75 lap-top bags in my office.

Next up is my current knitting project - crappy picture which I did not realize until just now. Its the Booga Bag and is being made using the wool I bought in Argentina last Christmas with my friend Zori and the ever famous Vik!
Did I post a picture of this? The yarn and the fabric I am using for my Fat Bottom bag which is also in progress! I have forgotten to take a picture but will once I have some more rows finished.

I also started an Octagonal Baby blanket but I am not liking the pattern.....I believe that it is missing some key instructions but I am still trying to sort out exactly what it is saying!
That is all for now! I am off to Zurich on Sunday for the week, so lots of work ahead and not a whole lot of crafty goodness!
Have a wonderful weekend!
ps Its now 5:18 and I am just finishing this post!
Lots of things going on at work and lots of hours being worked. I am sneaking in crochet and knitting time here and there when I can.
Any actual progress you ask?
What? You want pictures and details as well? Sheesh!
Well, I crocheted some rows in the Larger Than Life bag bottom/side section in a traffic jam, weaved some ends on a conference call, and have started seaming the squares side by side. No pictures though.....soon.
In other areas, the WIPs have grown and shrunk.
Heres my most recent FO which I originally was making to go on my suitcase but in the end they have found a home on my computer bag which is identical to the other 75 lap-top bags in my office.
Next up is my current knitting project - crappy picture which I did not realize until just now. Its the Booga Bag and is being made using the wool I bought in Argentina last Christmas with my friend Zori and the ever famous Vik!
Did I post a picture of this? The yarn and the fabric I am using for my Fat Bottom bag which is also in progress! I have forgotten to take a picture but will once I have some more rows finished.
I also started an Octagonal Baby blanket but I am not liking the pattern.....I believe that it is missing some key instructions but I am still trying to sort out exactly what it is saying!
That is all for now! I am off to Zurich on Sunday for the week, so lots of work ahead and not a whole lot of crafty goodness!
Have a wonderful weekend!
ps Its now 5:18 and I am just finishing this post!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Now where did I see that?
Anyone seen my little doo-hickey thumb drive which takes the pictures from my camera chip and places them on my PC? I've seen it, really, I have....I just don't remember where! Another sign that I am sick! I can normally find anything......organized chaos - I could have a pile of crap on my floor in my bedroom and my mom would ask me for something and I could walk to that pile and un-erringly pull out exactly what she was looking for.....or if she could not find something around the house she would call me (even after I had moved away) to ask me if I knew where it was and 8 times out of 10 I would!
So its back to the handy and trusty cell phone for todays pics......I can not give you a finished item today but I can show you what I am making!
Here it is....

The Larger Than Life bag from Interweave Crochet. I have finished all of the squares and am about half way with the side and bottom band.
What makes this fitting for International Crochet Day? Why only this:
Thats right! I am using my hand crafted Jimbo egg-hook on this project!
In other crafty goodness, one of my colleagues gifted my with this pattern booklet today! Perfect timing! She picked it up at a yarn shop on an island close to Malta... I can not remember the name of the island right now...Gosu? Gorsu? Something like that!
A super cute baby pattern booklet! A UK booklet which shall prove a challenge while crocheting, but worth it for the oh so cute patterns in it!
Off to bed now! Happy International Crochet Day!
So its back to the handy and trusty cell phone for todays pics......I can not give you a finished item today but I can show you what I am making!
Here it is....
The Larger Than Life bag from Interweave Crochet. I have finished all of the squares and am about half way with the side and bottom band.
What makes this fitting for International Crochet Day? Why only this:
Thats right! I am using my hand crafted Jimbo egg-hook on this project!
In other crafty goodness, one of my colleagues gifted my with this pattern booklet today! Perfect timing! She picked it up at a yarn shop on an island close to Malta... I can not remember the name of the island right now...Gosu? Gorsu? Something like that!
A super cute baby pattern booklet! A UK booklet which shall prove a challenge while crocheting, but worth it for the oh so cute patterns in it!
Off to bed now! Happy International Crochet Day!
Two Happys today!
I can not believe my little man is now 7 years old! You have grown up way to fast for your Aunt Kim.....want to think about slowing it down a little? I am so proud of you and how good you are doing at school! I LOVE YOU!!!!
Thats right, today, September 12th is International Crochet Day....I invite all of you to throw down your needles, drop your embroidery hoops, turn off the television, put down that book, abandon husband and children and CROCHET ALL DAY!
I must say with this cold all of my plans for today have fallen through.....I had hoped to have a pattern that several had asked for posted along with showing off the finished project I have been working on. Neither will happen. I have spent the past two days working, going home, crawling into bed and passing out before waking up and crawling back out of bed and returning to work.
I can not believe my little man is now 7 years old! You have grown up way to fast for your Aunt Kim.....want to think about slowing it down a little? I am so proud of you and how good you are doing at school! I LOVE YOU!!!!
Thats right, today, September 12th is International Crochet Day....I invite all of you to throw down your needles, drop your embroidery hoops, turn off the television, put down that book, abandon husband and children and CROCHET ALL DAY!
I must say with this cold all of my plans for today have fallen through.....I had hoped to have a pattern that several had asked for posted along with showing off the finished project I have been working on. Neither will happen. I have spent the past two days working, going home, crawling into bed and passing out before waking up and crawling back out of bed and returning to work.
Monday, September 10, 2007
I'm sick - bleah!
Here we go.
The start of 3 looooong weeks at work while we rush to get the forecast and budgets done for next year and I started coming down with a headcold today. Right after lunch my throat started tingling and my nose started twitching. Next thing I know I'm sneezing and can barely breath due to the fact that my nose has becomes a backed-up faucet that just trickles out but never clears.
I do not keep cold meds at work so I popped a couple of advil in the faint hope that something is better than nothing, although I'm practically immune to the effects of ibuprofen so it was really just a mental effort to get well. I could take a placebo and have almost exactly the same effect occur. Too many years of surgeries needing high doses of pain meds combined with headaches and migrains resulting in a high tolerance to most pills.
The weekend crocheting went well. Nothing finished but progress made. I had planned on finishing some more tonight, but I fear that once I make it home I am going to pass out right after dinner. I made Taco Meat last night so dinner should be quick and easy to make....the boyfriend will be in charge of dishes thats for sure....and going to buy me more juice as I drank the end of it last night.
Will talk to you all soon! Happy Crafting!
The start of 3 looooong weeks at work while we rush to get the forecast and budgets done for next year and I started coming down with a headcold today. Right after lunch my throat started tingling and my nose started twitching. Next thing I know I'm sneezing and can barely breath due to the fact that my nose has becomes a backed-up faucet that just trickles out but never clears.
I do not keep cold meds at work so I popped a couple of advil in the faint hope that something is better than nothing, although I'm practically immune to the effects of ibuprofen so it was really just a mental effort to get well. I could take a placebo and have almost exactly the same effect occur. Too many years of surgeries needing high doses of pain meds combined with headaches and migrains resulting in a high tolerance to most pills.
The weekend crocheting went well. Nothing finished but progress made. I had planned on finishing some more tonight, but I fear that once I make it home I am going to pass out right after dinner. I made Taco Meat last night so dinner should be quick and easy to make....the boyfriend will be in charge of dishes thats for sure....and going to buy me more juice as I drank the end of it last night.
Will talk to you all soon! Happy Crafting!
Sock knitting....or lack thereof
So, I have been working my courage up to wards starting some socks. I even went out and bought some more sock yarn in some awesome Regia Design Line Kaffe Fassett color-ways. I picked a pattern after tons of decisions and hemming and hawing. I woke up this morning and decided that today was THE day. I would tackle the unknown.
I grabbed the yarn. Found the pattern. Grabbed my trusty needle gage and the multi-set of double pointed needles I bought in China. Found the equivalent of the US 1.....started reading the pattern. Counted the number of needles in the set for the size I needed. Decided it was an issue with the pattern. Went to back-up pattern number two and number three. Drats! All of my sock patterns call for a glorious 5 needles....my lovely sets from China all have 4.
My only set with 5 is a size 8 set.
Its fate. No socks for me. At least no socks until I can hit the yarn store for needles!
So as a consolation I spent some time working on my project for International Crochet Day....and had a brilliant though while doing it. A lovely long waited for surprise is coming if I can only find the time. Will get back to you all on that one!
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
I grabbed the yarn. Found the pattern. Grabbed my trusty needle gage and the multi-set of double pointed needles I bought in China. Found the equivalent of the US 1.....started reading the pattern. Counted the number of needles in the set for the size I needed. Decided it was an issue with the pattern. Went to back-up pattern number two and number three. Drats! All of my sock patterns call for a glorious 5 needles....my lovely sets from China all have 4.
My only set with 5 is a size 8 set.
Its fate. No socks for me. At least no socks until I can hit the yarn store for needles!
So as a consolation I spent some time working on my project for International Crochet Day....and had a brilliant though while doing it. A lovely long waited for surprise is coming if I can only find the time. Will get back to you all on that one!
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Helping put International into.....
International Crochet Day!
What? A holiday you have not heard about? The one and only Jimbo, hook carver extroadinaire has officially proclaimed Septmber 12th as International Crochet Day (Please don't tell my nephew Andrew his birthday is on Crochet Day.....he'll be traumatised as he already things his Aunt Kim is insane and obsessed with yarn but to celebrate crocheting on his birthday???)
I'll be one of many celebrating this fine holiday. In honor of International Crochet Day, my newest project will be unveiled on that very day in all its glory.
Also, as the Mayor of the City of Crochet, I am proclaiming that inhabitants, vistors and passer-bys MUST celebrate and take 2 minutes of silence to reflect on what crocheting means to them on this oh so perfect holiday on September 12th.....no worries - reminders will be posted!
A full listing of events will be posted soon that will be taking place in the Glorious City of Brussels, where the City of Crochet is currently based!
What? A holiday you have not heard about? The one and only Jimbo, hook carver extroadinaire has officially proclaimed Septmber 12th as International Crochet Day (Please don't tell my nephew Andrew his birthday is on Crochet Day.....he'll be traumatised as he already things his Aunt Kim is insane and obsessed with yarn but to celebrate crocheting on his birthday???)
I'll be one of many celebrating this fine holiday. In honor of International Crochet Day, my newest project will be unveiled on that very day in all its glory.
Also, as the Mayor of the City of Crochet, I am proclaiming that inhabitants, vistors and passer-bys MUST celebrate and take 2 minutes of silence to reflect on what crocheting means to them on this oh so perfect holiday on September 12th.....no worries - reminders will be posted!
A full listing of events will be posted soon that will be taking place in the Glorious City of Brussels, where the City of Crochet is currently based!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Its time to get your crayons and your pencils!
Picture pages, picture pages.....time to do your picture pages, its time to get your crayons and your pencils! *whistling as I work*
I fear this song is going to be stuck in my head all day now.....
Anyways, I never showed the finished Baby Blanket that I made for my neice Abby for her 1st Birthday....I started it before she was born and it took my until I was literally pulling into the drive-way for the party to finish!

Next up is the cute Ornaments that I received from my Ornament Swap over at C'ville from Becky aka Crazzy Cow:
And last but not least, two cute pics of my neice Megan - one of he two of us together while I was in the US and the second one of her and my Mom making a banana cake together.
I fear this song is going to be stuck in my head all day now.....
Anyways, I never showed the finished Baby Blanket that I made for my neice Abby for her 1st Birthday....I started it before she was born and it took my until I was literally pulling into the drive-way for the party to finish!

Next up is the cute Ornaments that I received from my Ornament Swap over at C'ville from Becky aka Crazzy Cow:

And last but not least, two cute pics of my neice Megan - one of he two of us together while I was in the US and the second one of her and my Mom making a banana cake together.

Monday, September 03, 2007
We all knew it was a fluke!
Yup, the sudden spurt of finished projects is over! I am back to my normal ways of starting several projects and working on 10 things at once, all getting a little bit accomplished, but none getting finished!
It is almost 11 pm at night, and I am just about to go home! Work is picking up again and it does not show any signs of slowing down. I really like both jobs as I am getting very different views between the two and different degrees of involvement. Today I was busy working on new files for the President and two of the VPs so I am getting my name out there and it seems like everyone knows who "Kimberly" is...I am not sure that is a good thing or not, but it keeps me busy.
Oh yeah, the projects. I am working on a Fat Bottom Bag in Pink Red Heart SS, a Larger than Life Bag using Coats Lyric Cotton (I love this stuff!!), a few Crazy Dishcloths, and finishing up the directions for the Weaved Hot Pad...procrastination big time on this one.
Is not blogger & the on-line crochet/knitting community great for "meeting" new people? I always love to see the comments from lurkers and the new people who stumble across my blog. I've recently started exchanging mails and blog comments with two new folks - one who found my blog via CPC my crazy stitch dishcloth, and the other who I found on the 25 Things For Charity blog. I would really suggest that you go and check out both of these 'new' blogs:
Kathy - a wonderful and generous crocheter who devotes her art to crocheting for charities, including the Emmazing Grace Foundation.
Next is Anita - another wonderful lady who is slowly working her way into the crocheting realm. Her latest mission is finding patterns & making soft toys for the wonderful day when she and her husband will gain a child in their lives.
It is almost 11 pm at night, and I am just about to go home! Work is picking up again and it does not show any signs of slowing down. I really like both jobs as I am getting very different views between the two and different degrees of involvement. Today I was busy working on new files for the President and two of the VPs so I am getting my name out there and it seems like everyone knows who "Kimberly" is...I am not sure that is a good thing or not, but it keeps me busy.
Oh yeah, the projects. I am working on a Fat Bottom Bag in Pink Red Heart SS, a Larger than Life Bag using Coats Lyric Cotton (I love this stuff!!), a few Crazy Dishcloths, and finishing up the directions for the Weaved Hot Pad...procrastination big time on this one.
Is not blogger & the on-line crochet/knitting community great for "meeting" new people? I always love to see the comments from lurkers and the new people who stumble across my blog. I've recently started exchanging mails and blog comments with two new folks - one who found my blog via CPC my crazy stitch dishcloth, and the other who I found on the 25 Things For Charity blog. I would really suggest that you go and check out both of these 'new' blogs:
Kathy - a wonderful and generous crocheter who devotes her art to crocheting for charities, including the Emmazing Grace Foundation.
Next is Anita - another wonderful lady who is slowly working her way into the crocheting realm. Her latest mission is finding patterns & making soft toys for the wonderful day when she and her husband will gain a child in their lives.
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