Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Shopping, football, and transportation fun!

***Ooops!!! I had written this and forgot to post....I am indeed blonde from time to time!! *grin*

I am back from my visit to London. Had an excellent time!

As foretold by Marvie, my transportation issues extended into the weekend (thanks Marvie - I told you I would blame you!!!) Arrived in London and the transport system there was messed up due to 2 deaths/injuries on the lines which has cancelled most trains and metros for a while. Okay, found a different train line and went from there. We dropped my gear off at Russ's and headed back to the train line to go back into London, only to find out that the next train was cancelled and that the train after that one was delayed - 45 minutes later standing on the train platform in the cold the next train arrived. Next day alls going well we get up, pack and make our way to the train and are making good time to the Euston station only to be told that due to a fire alarm at Bank that we were diverting to Tower Bridge.....not good! There is no easy way from Tower Bridge to Euston, so we jumped a cab trying to make it and of course arrived after our train to Manchester had left! *sigh* By this point Russ was saying that I was cursed! We were able to change our tickets for the next train and away we went to Manchester for the night.

We walked around Manchester for a bit, saw the Christmas market there (did not buy a thing) sat and had a few drinks and then off to the hotel. Alsl well the next day until we get to the train station and find out that we had to wait 45 minutes for the next train to Liverpool! We waited, arrived, went and saw Everton beat Newcastle.....I had issues rooting against my team, but since I did not want beer, food, cigarettes etc thrown at me I suffered moments of silent anguish while trying to act happy that Everton was winning and cheering for them....Russ said that I did a great job cheering and that I must have brought his team good luck.....Drat it all!!!!!!

Headed back to London via Manchester with not a single glitch or issue - yay!! Yesterday I spent the say shopping in London - visited the Oxford Street area and bought several books, tops, socks and misc odds and ends. Oh yeah, and soem yarn :) Did you think that I could pass by yarn? I went into John Lewis on Oxford Street - they have a nice little section in their with Rowan, Jaeger, Noro and other brands.

Made it back safe and sound last night, although after spending more than 15 hours on trains the past few days, I can happily say that I am done with any form of train travel for a while!

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