Here are the two scarves that I finished while on the train to Switzerland last weekend:

The first scarf is a green scarf that I did in Miscel. Miscel is made in Italy, and is 95% Acrylic and 5% Polyester. While not sounding that soft, I had to buy it when I sat there in the store petting it! I walked out with 4 balls of pink, 2 green and 2 cream. The first ball in pink I used to make a scarf for my holiday exchange partner, Lynn. The two green went into my scarf with some left over. The three remaining pink are being worked into a shawl for me to use at work - I am done with the first ball and on the second. The cream are yet to be determined...perhaps another scarf like Lynns and a hat to match! I made this scarf to wear with my Chocolate Brown suede coat.....the brown and greens are great with my coloring, and the green scarf brings out the green in my eyes. My eyes are brown, but they will pull green and gold into eye doctor in Chicago that I went to see swore up and down that I had green eyes...I had to tell him he was wrong of course which did not endear me to him one iota!
The second ball was done with a fur yarn that I bought in Ireland. It is almost identical to the Bernat Boa yarn in that same colorway...I am assuming that they are made in the same place but sold in the different countries under different names! This scarf was made for Natalie, one of the little girls that I watched here in Belgium that has moved back to the US. I am still trying to decide what to make for her sister..had better hurry since her Dad will be here in Brussels this week and I should give him the gifts then!
I have also started working on the Frog Princess again (remember her?) I put her away when I realized after I had her whole leg done up and stuffed that I had made a color mistake on the top of her foot and would need to undo all of my utter disgust with myself I put her into a bag in the bottom of my WIP crate. Guilt has caused me to pull her back out. I started working more on her skirt before I get the oomph up to tackle undoing her leg....but some progress is better than none right?
The weekend has been fairly boring. I went to dinner with a co-worker Friday night, came home and crocheted like mad on the shawl. Saturday consisted of going to do some shopping and of course I did not find what I wanted to buy! Instead I bought some more tea at my local tea shop - more of the Earl Grey Red Baron, the Christmas Tea, and a new one - Roobios Earl Grey which has the earl grey taste, but minus the caffeine.....kinda strange that I go for the non-caffeine one since I never have any issues with caffeine - I could drink a gallon of tea and still be able to go right to sleep. And just the other way, I could easily stop drinking it for days and not suffer and headaches or withdrawal symptoms.
I tried to buy more of the Miscel but the store I bought it at is being remodeled so they are closed, and another branch of that store only had a really ugly color with a limey green alternating with a forest green...typing makes it seem not that bad but in person it was icky! I also tried to buy an oil warmer....when I was home in the US I bought some oils from Bath and Body works to heat up and make my home smell purty....but of course I could not find one anywhere I went....might need to head out to Ikea one day!
I did meet up with some of my military friends who work at NATO here in Brussels for drinks last night. Had fun talking and even did some dancing. Met a few newcomers to Brussels, including a navy sparks - darn! *grin*
Okay, I am off to get things ready for work tomorrow, and then I'll be heading to bed! Have a great week everyone!
That reminds me - I wanted to order some more of that Christmas Tea! Oh, and I like that Red Baron one too...Any chance of sending you over some money for some? Let me know!
Oh, and gratz on getting some stuff done this year! I haven't touched anything since Christmas. But, in my defense, I went so wild with crocheting for Christmas and my wrist is STILL complaining about it. And the knitting I've been trying to teach myself hasn't helped either. :(
Hey Kimberly, the scarves look mahvelous darling!
Oh, can you recommend some yarn stores in Ireland (Dublin)? I am going in March. Any input is much appreciated!
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