Crocheting...after globe trotting for years, I've settled down...join me in the craziness that my life has become! Living the day one stitch at a time!
Monday, December 31, 2007
The last post of 2007....
I've been thinking a lot about New Years resolutions, and many of them are familiar ones from years past....Eat healthier, loose weight, travel more for personal pleasure etc etc etc. Then there is the yarn related resolutions....not buying too much yarn, finishing more projects etc etc etc. We will report back on what ends up in the final list sometime in early 2008.
The past year has been full of many new and old things. I have made some wonderful new friends both on-line and in real life. Have visited a new continent (Asia via my trip to China). Hit the 1 year mark with a boyfriend which looks like it is going great towards the 2 year mark in 2008. Continued my craftiness with knitting and crocheting projects galore. Traveled back to Michigan a grand total of 3 times this year to see the kiddies. Spent time with all 5 of my Grandparents over Christmas (4 natural grandparents and one step-grandma....rather amazing to have all 4 (5) alive at my age.....especially when I am the 2nd youngest grandchild of 7 on one side, and the 4th youngest of 9 on the other side, so it can not be explained by saying "I am the oldest grandchild so its to be expected.")
Will see you all in 2008!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Season Greetings!
I not only crochet and knit, I can bake and decorate my cake.......
From left to right -> myself, my niece Abby, my sister Denise, my sister Becky and my Momma:
From the languages in my house to yours....
English: Merry Christmas
French: Joyeux Noel
Spanish: Feliz Navidad
Albanian: Gëzuar Krishlindjet
Swedish: God Jul
Gaelic: Nollaig
Italian: Buon Natale
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Hello from Chicago!
The flight here was uneventful - I read a book, watched Hairspray and worked a little bit on some crocheted Christmas projects.....I might finish in time for the holidays!
I hope that everyone is having a great weekend!
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Latest Obsessions.....
The first are these oh so cute little guys.....I found them hiding out in my Christmas Cookies tonight.
Next up is my latest knitting obsession, Jean Greenhowe. I LOVE her designs. So cute - take a look at her site and the patterns available:
I recently bought the following on-line and had shipped to me in Belgium. I am working on my first project from the booklets currently:
Jean does have a few free patterns listed on her site, including her Rainbow Babies pattern which is the first pattern of hers that I made:
I do believe that about covers it for tonight. I need to get some sleep as I have all day meetings tomorrow and then a late night as we are having a combination Year End Dinner / Farewell Dinner with the entire team.
I hope that everyone had a great weekend and I wish you all a wonderful week!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
He likes it!!!!!!!
Pattern: Brother-in-law Basket-weave Hat
Time: 1 day spread out over a week
Very easy
Yarn: Airmix Gedefria
Monday, December 03, 2007
Crafting for homeless.....
A group of wonderful women in Hawaii read about Vik's project and wanted to conrtibute....but giving away scarves in Hawaii??? Not really needed. So they asked Vik about being able to donate to another region.
THIS is the result!
What can you do for the homeless this Holiday season? Join us in Knitting for the Homeless and help make someone's Holiday season a little bit brighter!
I find it funny that when I open the fridge in the office in Zurich, that this is hat I see:
Of course we found time to visit a yarn shop in the Old City of Zurich called Hand Knit......yes, I broke my yarn diet and bought some new yarn; *sigh* let the diet start again.
In honor of our love of yarn and wool and all things sheepie, we bought each other hand made Sheepies from a cute little Doll & Animal shop next to the Yarn Shop. Here are our guys right before I left to come back to Belgium:
And finally, here is the results of the snowflake and 2 more coasters:
I have some new patterns to show off along with what I am currently working on, but that will wait until I am more awake (its almost midnight).
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Crafting continues in Zurich
I've had a good few days meeting all of the new folks that I will be working with as well as talking to the old folks who are also based here. During each of the 4 meetings I have had so far the same question was asked....
"So when are you moving here to Zurich?"
To which I gave a rather vague and convoluted answer with long run-ons and slight pauses....basic gist of my answer was that I can not move right now due to personal reasons, but that I would still consider moving if my personal situation (the BF can not move) was cleared up.
As for the crafting, I am in the process of making another hat. This one the Basket Weave hat found also on Kody May's site:
I am using Gedifra Airmix in a charcoal gray for my boyfriend after he complained the other day that I was always making things but never anything for him. If he loses it (he has a habit of losing things, including a sweater I gave him and one of my umbrellas (thankfully a cheap 2€ one) I will probably strangle him..... I can see the headlines now "American strangles boyfriend for losing his hat" you think I can make a long chain and attach it to his coat like people do with children and their mittens?
I'm also working on some more coasters and the lantern potholder, hopefully some more finished items soon!
I am going to be visiting the yarn store here in Zürich Saturday.....I'm going to try not to buy anything, but I've never bought yarn here before! So perhaps just a little bit! =)
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Patons SWS Review
I do not love the yarn itself.
The skein that I used to make my hat yesterday had been cut and tied in not one, not two and not even three but four different places that I came across in the part of the skein I used.
Its also very scratchy. My head itches when I wear it. I have not washed it yet, so perhaps that will make it can hope this is the case since so many people are making hats with it.
I still have several skeins that need to find projects. No idea what they will be though since I really am not up to making more hats with this yarn, although I really do like the stripping and the colors and the hat patterns that are available for this yarn!
Anyone else have any thoughts on SWS?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Waterloo....I was defeated you won the war
Here in Belgium I spent a wonderful few days with my friend Zori....We both agreed that it was like she had never left at all. Strange how easily you fall into old familiar patterns....walking down the street, singing Mamma Mia, pointing out the same things to laugh at.
I did find some time to do some crafting while Zori was away visiting with other friends in Brussels. Here is a first for me:
The details:
Yarn: Patons SWS Soy Wool Solids in Natural Plum
Amount: <1 skein
Needle: 5.0mm Addi bamboo circular
Pattern: Asminah's Hat
Designer: Kody May Knits
Time: 1 day
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!
May your day be filled with family, friends, laughter and food.
Zori's coming......
I am feeling kinda better.....we think that the cough is being partially caused by the heaters here at work - icky things! I'm still taking it easy and drinking TONS of tea and orange juice. My new office is the farthest possible from the bathrooms (literally, unless they stuck me downstairs in the garage, there is no other office in the whole entire building as far from the bathrooms) so with drinking lots of liquid is causing my lots of treks to the bathroom. I'm getting my exercise in if nothing else.
I spent last night cleaning the apartment from top to bottom. Even enlisted Meti's help to clean. Its sparkling and pretty and organised......Well, until you look at the craft section. I'll have to take a picture of it. My yarn no longer fits in the totes, so I have some in a laundry basket, some in a large box, others in large bags.....its kinda funny and really really messy! Lets hope my stash busting efforts calms it down some!
Remember when I started on my second round ripple and I said that I was flipping the colors but I was only worried about running short on green, so I had a friend buy a skein of green while she was in the US? Well, the green turned out fine, not even short, and just a little bit left which will be perfect for a cupcake top. So off I'm working on the yellow.....finished the 3 rounds of solid Yellow....switch to yellow and pink held together.....I barely managed to finish one round. I'm one round short of yellow - drats!!!! I know one thing I'm buying while I am in the US! If anyone finds the Bernat Baby Coordinates on sale in the US, please let me know.....aside from the one skein of yellow, I want to buy enough skeins to make at least 2 more blankets.
I do believe that is all for now! Have a super Thursday!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Mine? Or Mimi's?
Well, to be honest, it might have as well been one of Mimi's! Lets see here....
The Pattern? Mimi's lovely poinsetta coaster pattern
The thread? Bought way back when from Mimi - Monaco Cotton
The hook? Why, yes, I bought it from Mimi
So should I really be calling it my coaster? Or should it be Mimi's Coaster?
I am feeling actually very issue with my sinuses, the ears are fine, no headaches or body aches....the only issue is that I have this cough that will not stop. Its a hacking "my lungs are going to explode out of my chest while I crack a few ribs" kind of cough. Everyone has their own idea on what is causing the cough....
Bird Flu (darn trip to the UK)
Tuberculosis (Gee Meti, I love you too)
Pertussis (aka Whopping Cough)
Some weird African disease that has no name
Too much smoking (umm, I don't smoke although I sound like Selma from the Simpsons)
The flu
My vote is just 'tis the season but we shall see....if it does get worse I'll have to find a Doctor to go visit.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday, That's my fun day......
Two more rounds on my Baby Round Ripple....I'm to the point that its monotonous to finish a round. It will get done though.....5 more rounds to go.
I finished one of Mimi's Poinsetta Coasters....
And I finished another Crazy Cloth (are you all getting sick of seeing these yet?) Which I made using two different colors instead of just one.....
I do believe that will be all for this weekend. Here are the sources for all of the recently made patterns:
Crazy Cloth -
Cupcake -
Poinsetta Coaster
Cabled Clutch - Can be found in the pattern book "101 One Skein Wonders" - note that pattern has errors in books which are easily found, or I have found the pattern on-line as well here:
Turtle Pattern - Sorry - this pattern is no longer available on-line that I can find
Happy Crafting!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
The thing about being sick....
While I did attempt some cleaning, the majority has been crafting.
Of course, I needed to stop for a tea break and drink some tea with honey for my cough and a little bit of sustenance. I used the tea cup I bought in China today.
I had a few visitors come to visit me, braving the wilds of the houseplants to make an appearance.
We had a great time visiting and talking about their future home, but they soon left and I had to do a little bit of washing dishes.
I am off to the store now to pick up some food for dinner. I had best grab my purse...perhaps I can take my new one.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Email Blog Posting
I've been working and have almost finished a stash buster project. I picked out one of the projects from the One-Skein Wonder book that I bought in the US a while back.
My choosen project is the Quick & Classy Cabeled Cluthc which I made with just over 1 skein of Ornaghi Filati LAND in white. I had binded to block and add the handles and then I'll be done! Hopefully it will be just right to use as a little holiday purse......all signs are pointing yes!
Yay! It worked!
Here are the pics of the current project:
Off to work some more on the Round Ripple....the clutch can wait until the weekend to be finished!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Is this not lovely?
Worldcue® Alert
Severity: Informational Alert
Health: U.K. officials Nov. 12 confirm H5 avian influenza on turkey farm in Diss on the Norfolk/Suffolk border. Risk to humans extremely low.
This alert affects United Kingdom.
This alert began 12 Nov 2007 19:54 GMT and is scheduled to expire 11 Dec 2007 23:59 GMT.
Current Situation
U.K. officials Nov. 12 confirmed that H5 avian influenza had infected birds at a turkey farm near the town of Diss on the Norfolk/Suffolk border. Authorities will cull the approximately 5,000 turkeys, geese and ducks on the farm, as well as domestic birds within 3 km. Government veterinarians do not yet know whether the virus is the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain that has spread throughout Asia, but that information should be available within days. The source of the H5 virus is unknown.
Officials immediately imposed movement restrictions on the farm and have established a 10-km surveillance zone, in which authorities will restrict movements of poultry and farm vehicles and monitor for more bird infections.
In February 2007, the U.K. reported its first outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza among poultry on a Bernard Matthews turkey farm near Lowestoft, Suffolk, approximately 50 km (30 miles) east of the current outbreak. Bernard Matthews representatives say the company is not associated with the currently infected farm, and owns no farms within the surveillance zone. The source of the February outbreak was likely commercial poultry trade with Hungary. Doctors identified no human infections associated with that outbreak.
In March 2006, authorities found a wild swan on the coast of Scotland infected with H5N1.
AdviceThe risk of contracting avian influenza in the U.K. is exceedingly low. However, if you are in the area of the infected farm, avoid contact with surfaces or objects contaminated by bird droppings.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Another weekend over......
So there I was yesterday, doing laundry, a little bit of cleaning and organizing and then it hits me. I'm going to the UK the next day. How can I forget something like that? There goes all of my plans for the week and I'm now sitting in the UK. I'm only here for 2 days, but I have a ton to get accomplished as I am in the process of handing over files and processes and trying to get all of them in good shape before I do.
The weekend went well. I am happy to report that I found Mister N....he was hiding out in a bag with a slender little F hook.....has a little thing going on the side.....lets hope that Mrs. N does not find out about that one!
I did not finish anything.....worked 2 rounds on the Ripple, a few rounds on the Crazy Cloths, started a stash buster project. I've decided that for my stash busting I am going to start by using up the oldest yarns that I have. So I'm on quests to find the best projects for each of them. Luckily I have some projects already in mind, including more Crazy Cloths for the cotton that I have.
Okay, may everyone have a wonderful week!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Calling Mister N!!!
Last night was not a good night for crocheting....every time that I went to find one of my WIPs, something was missing....hook, yarn, pattern, the WIP itself.
I am trying to update my Ravelry page with my WIPs....added the following four today from what I snapped pictures of last night:
More stash busting WIPs to come.....I really want to use up some of this yarn. I bought while last in the US a pattern book "One Skein Wonders" which should help me to get rid of some of this yarn!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
I'm still here
I've been busy working on several projects, including a scarf from the July 1978 Workbasket. I am going to clean my craft area this weekend and make a firm list of my WIPs / goal is to finish 50% of them by the end of the month. I am also on a strict yarn diet. I won't say exactly how much I've spent on yarn & accessories the past month, but its a staggering amount when I looked at my credit card (does not include those I paid cash for - eek!) I really want to start using up some of my stash.....either that or actually selling some of it off would be a good thing!
Christmas....I am torn on what to make for Christmas gifts this year. I don't really have time to make everyone something, and nor would it be appreciated I think. I had a negative reaction to my Ice Skate ornaments so even my idea of making those and embroidering on everyone's initials and using as gift tags is not going to happen.
I hope that everyone is having a great week!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tagged.....8 random things about me
Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they’ve been tagged.
I can not grow long fingernails.......theystart to grow and then wham! Splittling, peeling, cracking, chipping, bending, all happens! Even fake nails seem to get torn off quickly so I've given up.
I go through phases of Coke addiciton (as in Coca-Cola....I'm not that naughty)...and its not the caffeine, its jut the bubbly taste that I crave. When I've had enough of it I'll walk away and not look back until the craving starts again a few months later.
I thrive in organized chaos.....disorder is my middle name and while to you its disorder and clutter and piles of crap, to me its strategically hidden gold mines of wonderfully hoarded stuff.
Shoes....I have an addiction to them, and probably over 100 pairs by now.....but at the same time I hate to spend more than 75 on a pair unless I REALLY love them.....i.e. my Stuart Wiseman's that I bought in Chicago, or my Pumas and Birkenstocks......I love German shoes. my family well knows, I have a fascination with them.
Do you know how hard it is to think of 8 random facts that I've not already shared somewhere? Anyhow, continuing on with items 6,7 and 8
I have a fear of mice loose in the house.....but put them behind glass and its awwww....they are soo cute!
I love marker boards and the smell of the white board markers
And last, but not least......
Magnents......I love them.....I'll sit and play with them for hours. I have 8 small wall magnents stacked up on my computer stand that i play with while on telephone conference calls etc.
Now..........who to tag.......who to tag...... well it says 8, but I know many of your have already done lets tag...... Anita, Marvie, Jenny, Stacey, Yasmin, Mimi ..... and whoever else has not been tagged, consider yourself tagged....sheesh......finding 8 people is hard when you begin to think, okay, who might possibly play along, who has not been tagged already......blah balh blah....thats it, I need a drink.......of Coke!
Random things to amaze your friends
"Stewardesses" is the longest English word typed with only the left hand and "lollipop" is the longest English word typed with your right hand.
No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.
"Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".
Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our noseand ears never stop growing.
The sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet.
The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level' are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (palindromes).
There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.
There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious." (Yes, admit it, you are going to say, a e i o u)
TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard. (unless of course you have a non-US keyboard - my W is not in the top row but the bottom row)
A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. (Some days that's about what my memory span is.)
A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
A snail can sleep for three years. (I know some people that could do this too.!)
Almonds are a member of the peach family.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
Babiesare born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.
February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.
In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
If the population of China walked past you, 8 abreast, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors
Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite!
Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.
The cruise liner, QE 2, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns.
The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid.
There are more chickens than people in the world.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Let the presents begin......
I am also working right now on a knitted Christmas design dishcloth....about half way done with it, and its turning out cute!! I am using a skein of Coats Lyric works up so nicely!
Have a super Wednesday!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Yet another weekend over.....
First of all, thanks to everyone who commented on my post about Zürich. I am indeed a little bit happy about the new job, although it does come with some reservations. I am not so sure that I want to stay in Europe, but unless I leave the boyfriend, that is really what I need to do! Andy - there is indeed a nice yarn shop in Zurich....or at least it looks nice from the window - I've never actually managed to make it there when it was open! One of these trips I will!
Anyways, how did you all spend your weekend?
Saturday was the normal shopping. Sunday woke up early (9am...which is early for a Sunday) and went with the boyfriend to the farmers market where he bought me another house plant (is there a theme going on here?) and a bunch of fresh fruit.
I also proclaimed it WIP day so I kicked the bf out of the apartment, lined up about 10 WIPs next to me, started a timer and went to work on them in 15 minute increments and forced myself to work on each for 15 minutes.
Here are some of the things that I finished over the weekend, including some WIPs....

Pattern Found here: Knitters Brooch I turned it from a brooch into an ornament by adding a loop.

I don't have pictures but I finally finished the Cabbage Patch Shoes and Pants - all ends sewn in and ties added to the shoes. I am putting the top on hold - just no time for it!
I also finished 2 more pairs of ice skates - pictures coming soon!
What else am I working on? Red Christmas Ornament washcloth, 3 Crazy Cloths, more Ice Skates (so quick and easy - perfect project to have in the purse), Irish Hiking Wrist Warmers, Dora the Explorer wardrobe in Rainbow colors, Square Doily, Snowflakes waiting to be blocked
I also want to find some time to make more snowflakes, some scarves, different potholders, finish my Weaved Hot pad design.....
way too much to do and no where near enough time!
Have a great week everyone!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hello from Zürich!
The result.....I'm switching jobs. Which is not a surprise to me . They moved me into a sidestep role in August helping out a new country region get setup and up to speed. This has been fun and interesting, but at the same time a TON of added work since I could not fully give up my old role.
The new position is still currently based in Brussels although I need to think about more long term and where I want to end up. Theres the possibility of actually moving here to Zürich which while not a requirement at this point might potentially become one in the near to mid-term if I want to stay in Europe.
I'll still report to the same boss which has him excited as the other 2 managers are leaving his group - one for MBA School the other to go back to the US. I will be the only remaining manager that was there when he took over the group, so I'll be providing the knowledge base and experience leadership for the team.
The only potential downside? The business that I'll be supporting has been supported in the past year by a manager and an analyst.....when I start it will be supported by me. Just me. So I'll still be doing 2 roles....I really wish I would be paid for those 2 roles. But I only get the one salary.
Crocheting news you ask? I started another Round Ripple today on the plane....I only brought 2 colors with me since I had to fit them in my computer bag and I am almost done with those so I'll have to wait until I get back to Belgium to really start moving along on it.
I washed the Granny Square Blanket that I made with the local acrylic yarn that I found here last night....with just one washing it has softened up considerably. I am very happy with it! I have enough left from what I bought to make another 2 blankets.....I'll probably make some double stranded round ripples from it instead of the Granny Square Ghan.
Deneen is working on a Felted Noro Shawl that looks really interesting. I still have some skeins of Noro left from my French Market Bag that I made for the Olympics....depending on her final verdict I might try this as well!
My project queue over at Ravelry is growing by leaps and bounds.....I really need to start making some of them! There seems to be an abundance of Cable Scarves and Sock Patterns queued. I do need to start working on Christmas gifts soon...hmmmmmm
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Call the printing presses???
Lets see here.....
WWI - Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (28 June 1914) followed by Austrian declaration of war on Serbia (28 July) and Russian mobilisation against Austria-Hungary (29 July). The US entered when Congress declared war on 6 April 1917
WWII - was a worldwide military conflict; the amalgamation of two separate conflicts, one beginning in Asia, 1937, as the Second Sino-Japanese War and the other beginning in Europe, 1939, with the German invasion of Poland. The US did not enter the conflicts until bombed by the Japanese in December 1941 and four days later, Germany declared war on the United States.
Vietnam War - War between North Vietnam and US backed South Vietnam. Various factors led up to the war and the fighting, including the US refusal to acknowledge the North's government, the US belief in the Domino Theory causing their support of the SOuth's "Republic" government.
Korean War - The Korean War was a conflict precipitated when the Soviet supported North Korean Army invaded neighboring South Korea (supported by the United States) on June 25, 1950. The main hostilities were during the period from June 25, 1950 until the armistice (ceasefire agreement) was signed on July 27, 1953.
Gulf War I - A conflict between Iraq and a coalition force from 35 nations authorized by the United Nations (UN) and led primarily by the United States in order to liberate Kuwait. The war developed out of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990.
Note: Details on the wars come from
And those are just the major conflicts in the 1900s...I guess you can say we started Vietnam....or at least played a role in starting it. The current War in Iraq....we all know how that one started! And the War in Afghanistan. Other smaller conflicts. But the war that killed the most people? Started by the Germans. Who needs to go back and have a history lesson? I do not think that it is me!
And, I must say that this is not the first time that I have been told that it was the Americans who started WWII.....also by Germans. Did they miss something here? Invading the surrounding countries, bombing the UK, marching on Moscow, submarine warfare.....
Monday, October 08, 2007
Rugby, Crocheting, Shopping
Greece was tiring. It is absolutely gorgeous, but I am glad to be back just to not have 6:30am wakeup calls and returning to the room at midnight+. Meetings are nice, but at the end of the day exhausting.
Often while wandering around Brussels you will find painted picturse on buildings....Brussels has a huge comic book industry....think of TinTin, The Smurfs... Here are some that I found this weekend:
And to leave you for today, two pictures from of meti with the Mannequin Pis and one of me with the less known Jannequin Pis.
Have a great week!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I'm tired.
But travelling I do and a travelling I go.
Just back from Zurich and I was told today I have to be on a plane tomorrow morning at 9:35 and return Friday evening at 11pm. The destination is great, but the hours will stink - 8am starts, midnight+ finishes. All taking place in the wonderful city of Athens Greece!
I'm excited! I've not been back to Greece since my cruise there with my Aunt a few years ago. I just wish I had time to stay the weekend and relax a little bit but I really need to find the time to grocery shop and do laundry this weekend!
It looks like we might have a 45 minute walking tour of Athens one evening. I might get some pictures....otherwise I'll just recylcle pictures from my last trip there =) You'll never know right? *grin*
Before I forget, the linkage for the Ice Skate ornaments is HERE
I also came across the pattern for adorable mini stocking ornaments
I am off to get some work done, and then packing and perhaps a few starter loads of laundry....there is about 3 weeks worth of it piled up right now!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Deep Breathe......hold it....hold it.....
I survived.
I think.
The trip to Zurich was an omen of things to come. Where to begin.....
My car had to be taken to the Audi garage while I was in Zurich, but thankfully one of the building workers took it in for me so I did not need to handle the Swiss-German garage speak - nightmares!
I never really did see the hotel room and absolutely nothing of Zurich aside from the office, hotel restaurant, Starbucks and as I said, to some extent my hotel room. Every day I was out of my room before 8 and standing in Starbucks to grab a Strawberries & Cream Frappachino....I had to walk past Starbucks which was connected to the hotel lobby so how could I resist? I then would spend the next 14 to 15 hours at the office. When I would leave about 10:30 / 11:00 to head to the hotel with a colleague who was also staying there where we would go to the restaurant with out PCs and continue working using the wireless connection. I would stumble into my hotel room at about 12:30 / 1 am where I would call the boyfriend to tell him good night and then promptly pass out to be rudely awoken at 7:00 to start it all over again.
The crocheting that I brought with me never saw the light of day....nor the hotel lights at night.
Friday ended at 6:00pm where I then sprinted for my car and began the 6 hour drive back to Brussels.
I was so tired by the time I made it home and utterly exhausted that I could not sleep. I kept waking up talking about work and thigns that I had hoped I had done etc.
Its over for a few days. I can only hope that the next rounds of submissions are easier and I can have some sanity at the end of October left!
I was able to do something crafty this weekend. I've been scrambling like mad to make some Christmas ornaments. The ones that I sent in August to my swap partner have gone MIA so I am making new ones to send. Here are the ones I made for her yesterday:
Are they not cute? My Grandmother made similar ornaments for our tree when we were young, except that they were made from felt, not crocheted.
Okay, more meetings - have a great day!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Ever have one of those days?
I woke up late, had to finish laundry. No problems. I'll make the frosting for the cookies I baked on Saturday. No powder sugar. This is not my day. Finally get everything in the house done.
Leave to go to work to print off the papers I need to take with me to is on the way out of the city so its not out of my way. Yeah, ummmm its car free day in the city. Bikers, walkers, roller bladders everywhere. Weave my way through towards work. Get there, get things printed and leave.
Get out of the city, realize about 45 minutes later that I forgot to bring my real car papers. I only have copies which is what the police suggested after my car was broken into. Crap. Turn around, drive back. Only to get to the city entrance and ALL are blocked off and no way in. I weave, I swerve, I backtrack. No dice. Every shortcut, back-road, illegal parking lot maneuvers were blocked. A hour later I am still trying. I finally find a roadblock that is manned by a policewoman. I explain to her that I have to go to the office to get my car paperwork so I can drive to Zürich. She tells me I'll have to either wait until after dark to enter the city or park my car and take public transportation. Uh huh, my car that is filled with my luggage, computer, budget documents etc. Nope, that one can not happen in a city where my car has been broken into once now with a second attempt already made.
So I keep driving. I find a policeman and explain my predicament. He agrees that I have to go through since I need to leave the country and must have the paperwork. He gives me a pass and lets me through the barriers. Sweet.....I'm on my way. Ummm....did you forget about all of the pedestrians? Even worse since it is now 1:30 and everyone is out. No one pays attention to traffic lights, lets call it mass chaos on the streets. Make it home, of course the papers are not there. Drive to work and there they are.
Finally make it back on the road by 2:30.....and arrive in Zürich at 8:30 where I had to drive around looking for my hotel since the instructions on the hotel website were "get off highway and follow Zuspa signs" Never saw a sign called off I went in the direction of the center....finally found an Ibis hotel and stopped there for further directions. Finally located the hotel but spent 10 minutes driving around trying to find the parking entrance - lots of 1 way streets to navigate.
Arrive. Check-in. Drink 2 glasses of wine. Remember that I should eat something too, grab a sandwich. Head back to the room, read a few chapters of a book I brought with me and its lights out.
Whew! What a way to start my trip here this week. I had originally planned on being to Zurich around 5, a few hours of walking around, perhaps some crocheting but nope, just did not happen.
I did manage to find the office this morning with no problems so that was a good start to today. Lets hope that it continues that way!
Jenny - the flip flops can be found here:
Friday, September 21, 2007
The 5 second update....
Lots of things going on at work and lots of hours being worked. I am sneaking in crochet and knitting time here and there when I can.
Any actual progress you ask?
What? You want pictures and details as well? Sheesh!
Well, I crocheted some rows in the Larger Than Life bag bottom/side section in a traffic jam, weaved some ends on a conference call, and have started seaming the squares side by side. No pictures though.....soon.
In other areas, the WIPs have grown and shrunk.
Heres my most recent FO which I originally was making to go on my suitcase but in the end they have found a home on my computer bag which is identical to the other 75 lap-top bags in my office.
Next up is my current knitting project - crappy picture which I did not realize until just now. Its the Booga Bag and is being made using the wool I bought in Argentina last Christmas with my friend Zori and the ever famous Vik!
Did I post a picture of this? The yarn and the fabric I am using for my Fat Bottom bag which is also in progress! I have forgotten to take a picture but will once I have some more rows finished.
I also started an Octagonal Baby blanket but I am not liking the pattern.....I believe that it is missing some key instructions but I am still trying to sort out exactly what it is saying!
That is all for now! I am off to Zurich on Sunday for the week, so lots of work ahead and not a whole lot of crafty goodness!
Have a wonderful weekend!
ps Its now 5:18 and I am just finishing this post!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Now where did I see that?
So its back to the handy and trusty cell phone for todays pics......I can not give you a finished item today but I can show you what I am making!
Here it is....
The Larger Than Life bag from Interweave Crochet. I have finished all of the squares and am about half way with the side and bottom band.
What makes this fitting for International Crochet Day? Why only this:
Thats right! I am using my hand crafted Jimbo egg-hook on this project!
In other crafty goodness, one of my colleagues gifted my with this pattern booklet today! Perfect timing! She picked it up at a yarn shop on an island close to Malta... I can not remember the name of the island right now...Gosu? Gorsu? Something like that!
A super cute baby pattern booklet! A UK booklet which shall prove a challenge while crocheting, but worth it for the oh so cute patterns in it!
Off to bed now! Happy International Crochet Day!